According to some media, before the arrest of Bakir Dautbasic, Bilsena Sahman and Fahrudin Radoncic, some members of SDA tried to persuade Zeljko Komsic to return Democratic Front into the coallition with the SDA, says News Agency Patria.
However, in his statement for Patria, Zeljko Komsic rejected such possibility and further said:
- Well, we are not going to return into the government and the coallition as some from SDA would like it. Besides, SDA has its partner in Radoncic and we wish them every luck in that 'marriage' - said Komsic.
Since Radoncic's arrest, SDA and SBB have been communicating that the coallition has been shaken up, yet that they are committed to maintain it. It is clear, however, that SBB members are keeping their ear to the ground, awaiting more concrete moves from SDA directed at the work of the Persecutor's Office concerning the suspicion that the SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic formed a group with the purpose of criminal act of influencing the witness Azra Saric who testified in the court proceeding against Naser Kelmendi in Kosovo.
In addition to that, Prime Minister Denis Zvizdic has confirmed today that the meeting of the Home of Representatives scheduled for 3 February, will not have on its agenda nomination of the Federal Minister of Transport and Communications and the Deputy Minister of Defence (both from SBB) because the conditions have not been met.
That said, nomination is not possible as the candidat for the Minister position Bakir Dautbasic will have been in the detention under investigation on 3 February.