It is time for the District authorities to lock in the transformative infrastructure projects, the civil service and clean energy reforms, and anti-corruption measures the Principal Deputy High Representative and Brčko District Supervisor Michael Scanlan highlighted in his Brčko Day speech. As the Supervisor underscored, he will visit Brčko as frequently as necessary to see these objectives achieved.
In its recent decision, the District Appellate Court affirmed that the competency of the Commission for Assessing Conflict of Interest applies to all elected and appointed officials. The Supervisor reiterates that the law must apply to everyone equally. Therefore, he expects and fully supports the District’s Commission for Assessing Conflict of Interest, the Anti-Corruption Office, the Police and the Prosecutor' Office to do their jobs in combating corruption in the District.
At the same time, media and NGOs have a responsibility to serve as watchdogs and partners in achieving the requisite budget transparency and good governance that will come with eliminating corruption. In that context, the Supervisor met with representatives of NGO “Demos” to learn more about their ongoing project “STOP illegal employment.”
The Supervisor welcomes the firm commitment to these objectives he heard in his meetings with the District Government and Assembly leadership, the District Government Chief Coordinator, and Brčko Basic Court President. At the same time, the Supervisor underscores it will be outputs, not words that will define where the District authorities stand on these issues.