
Meeting of Sarajevo Pharmacies Governing Board suddenly postponed!

Governing Board was supposed to appoint a new director of Sarajevo Pharmacies following dismissal of Director Nedim Hrelja last week. Dispensaries of Sarajevo Pharmacies find themselves in difficult s

Although scheduled for today at 5 p.m., which President of Governing Board Edo Hasanbegovic confirmed for Patria, the meeting of Governing Board of Sarajevo Pharmacies was inexplicably canceled and postponed until 15 March.

Governing Board was supposed to appoint a new director of Sarajevo Pharmacies following dismissal of Director Nedim Hrelja last week. Dispensaries of Sarajevo Pharmacies find themselves in difficult situation as procurement of medicines has been stopped.

According to President of Syndicate of Sarajevo Pharmacies, Kemo Delihasanovic, there has been no explanation as to reasons for cancellation of the meeting. The employees are losing patience.

As reported earlier, there are several candidates for the position. The political parties reached an agreement that the position should be allocated to SBB. Those who should provide answers to our question whether there has been some changes to the agreement between coalition partners – do not answer our calls.
