
Who are money launderers in BiH: Panama according to us

There have been too many of these financial transactions between the RS companies and the ones based in one of the tax paradises. Media in RS confirmed sometime ago that businessmen from Lithuania, th

The Panama Papers case, as far as BiH is concerned, is directly linked to the failed banks in Republika Srpska, particularly Banka Srpske. The bank seemed to do business in not so businesslike manner. Certainly not with business ethics. Numerous financial transactions of this bank had shown its inclination towards fraud and money laundering. Who profited from these transactions remains to be seen, though it is clear that it was to detriment of BiH.

Money channels to Panama

Once Balkan Investment Bank, today Banka Srpske used to approve some rather doubtful loans. Sometime ago, the bank approved a loan of 19.8 million KM to foreign companies 'Exclusiva General Roda Town' from The British Virgin Islands, which are known as 'tax paradise', then 'Milson Capital Corporate' also from the Virgin Islands, 'Forsite Benefiters' from Panama City, 'Superstone Corporation' also from Panama City. Apparently, all the money was loaned to purchase share of the companies owned by the bank, which means the classical money laundering.

'Global Bancorp Commodities & Investment' was also a part of these risky financial moves. The company was registered in 2014 with the capital of 600 million USD. Executive power of RS at the time openly admitted that they expect to get a loan from this company of up to 300 million KM, which constituted a straight confession about the link between the RS government and this kind of money laundering companies. The reason for RS government to loan a money from this international company and the relationship of confidence that has been created between the two remains a secret.

There have been too many of these financial transactions between the RS companies and the ones based in one of the tax paradises. Media in RS confirmed sometime ago that businessmen from Lithuania, the owners of Balkan Investment Bank, did the business via offshore companies in the Caribbean.

Russian connection

One of co-signatories of contracts with state companies owned by RS government is an offshore company nominally owned by a citizen of Russian Federation (although not possible to identify with precision). The company Comsar Energy Group Limited with its HQ in Nicosia, Cyprus, Agiou Prokopiou St. No 13, P.C. 2406, registration no HE 2743969, with Timur Sardarov as Director.

Sometime ago BN TV revealed that money flew from Bobar bank via Montenegro to Moscow, and some of it ended up with some well-known names, including those from politics. 

'Emergolinija' is a Sarajevo registered company, owned by an offshore company from one of the tax paradises.

Some of the Russian money channels in the RS have been confirmed in the case of Imperial Trust Fund from Florida. Apparently, the company is headed by ConstantinVostrikov and Carlos Estevez, which are believed to be pseudonyms for a citizen of Serbia. State companies from Republika Srpska have already had relations with this company from Florida. 

This is no longer a secret. It is obvious that there are 4 money launderers from Panama Papers behind these companies. At least as far as BiH is concerned.
