
SDA attacks their political competitors

There are no indications when the Federation will establish a new government. Electoral winners in the Federation, SDA and HDZ last October won 43 representative seats (out of 98) at the House of Rep

There are no indications when the Federation will establish a new government.

Electoral winners in the Federation, SDA and HDZ last October won 43 representative seats (out of 98) at the House of Representatives of the Federal Parliament. 50 representatives are required to form a majority at the Parliament.

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic has repeatedly invited BH Bloc (SDP, DF and Nasa Stranka) to give their support to the SDA-HDZ government. He has not received their affirmative response as yet. 'We have offered to SDP one strong coalition that would reach up to the top of the state, across the entities over the cantons, with SDA, SDP, DF and smaller parties if need be, said Izetbegovic after his meeting with the SDP representatives end of November.

- We are not going to let down our partners who, together with us, are putting an effort in establishing cantonal assemblies, stated Nermin Niksic. The left wing parties are trying to avoid entering coalitions with national parties, out of a belief that they should not support those who are responsible for the crisis in the country. SDA and HDZ do not want to give upon the power, though they lack the necessary capacity for it.

'As far as the FBiH government is concerned, we'll see, God willing', said HDZ president Dragan Covic on Tuesday following his meeting with SDA, indicating that Federation will not get its government any time soon, but also that HDZ is in no rush.

Lacking BH Bloc's support, SDA is now attempting to enlarge its parliamentary capacities by lobbying with individual representatives from other political parties. Rumor has it that Aljosa Campara, the member of SDA Presidency and the federal interior minister gets to coordinate those activities.

One of the four representatives of the Independent Bloc at the federal parliament, Elmedin Voloder, recently invited SDA and SDP to form a coalition, and parties that have less representatives would support it. 'I propose that SDP and SDA form the power, and we the smaller parties would help them, said Voloder. According to the Independent Bloc, they have rejected the 'attempt to destabilize the party' and have distanced themselves from Voloder's statements.  

'The Independent Bloc rejects the attempts to destabilize the party and distance itself from the statements by the delegate who told media that the bloc would support the government led by SDA. That opposes our politics and our views which no pressures, no personal interests of those individuals could ever influence, stated the Independent Bloc.

