By: Professor Senadin Lavić
Ignorance and immorality are the main characteristics of the policy that currently dominates the public life in Bosnia. It is a policy of ethno-religious definition of social reality, as the basis of greater-state hegemonism of the neighboring countries, and is substantially criminalized by internal non-recognition of the rule of law, human freedoms and arrogant autocracy of individuals.
Those who have struggled for years to warn the public about perniciousness of ethnopolitics, can be satisfied because everyone has begun to openly criticize ethnopolitics and all possible models that arise from it in public. However, one problem remained on the scene, almost as something normal.
Unfortunately, the critique of ethnopolitics does not question the reduction of Bosnia to a 'community of three peoples'! It remains almost indisputable that the national interests of Serbia and Croatia can be protected in Bosnia, while the national interest of Bosnia cannot. How is it possible that Serbia and Croatia have their branches in Bosnia which serve them blindly? Where does the narrative about 'three nations' in Bosnia come from if there is only one internationally recognized state-national Bosnia and Herzegovina? Some European officials and representatives of the EU institutions prefer 'tribe model' when meeting with the politicians in Bosnia.
They invite 'representatives' of ethnic groups for the meetings, so it seems that only want to talk to 'leaders' of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats.
They thus, intentionally or accidentally, impose an ethno political model which leaves BiH at the back of Europe. In emphasizing the model of 'ethnic' negotiation and bargaining, the most prominent is Serbian president Vučić who has been 'establishing' the dialogue between Bosniaks and Serbs for years. However, he should only talk to the representatives of BiH state institutions.
And acknowledge them! If he ignores the state institutions, then there is a dangerous perversion in political action – that is, it is clear that he does not respect the institutions of the state Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
A dangerous perversion also occurs among those referred to as intellectuals and academic community as they also create poneric-pathological narratives about Bosnia.
After all, that historical and political deviance of the perverted mind is closely linked to political, religious and intellectual pseudo-scientific interpretations and the circles that spread them.
Many of those who come to Bosnia and insist on an agreement between 'ethnic groups', as a unit of political activity, impose a 'tribal model' of anti-Bosnian politics. Imposing a narrative about Bosnia as a state of three nations is not well intentioned for the entire Bosnian state. All those who today insist on Bosnia primarily as a 'state of three nations' do not see the perspective of civil society.
They cement ethno trinity, three-nation competition, ethnic trinity, ethno- religious-priestly blurring of life, reducing the meaning of existence to ghettoized landscapes of nonsense. Destructive SH-pact is trying to go below the Dayton provisions and further disempower the state of Bosnia and bring it to absurdity. In the context of subordinating the society to the mechanisms of ethonopolitics, the university 'production' of knowledge that would enrich the social structure and elevate it to a higher level of existence – has disappeared before our eyes.
Scientific and research potentials have diminished and there is almost no serious work, research or scientific convention outside the given framework of ethnopolitics and ethno cultural criteria controlled by special brokers of scientific simulacrum. Critical intellectual awareness is reduced to the voices of a few professors and academicians calling for the salvation of the honor and dignity of intellectuals and the critical mind.
The demanding process of transferring the knowledge to people – this is not helped by 'pedagogization' of education which has entirely marginalized the concept of knowledge – has taken the hold to the point of complete meaninglessness of educating people.
Knowledge is presented through numbers of issued diplomas at various levels of education. Statistics sound fine, but they hide the essence! Knowledge was pushed into the background and the general primitivization of social reality followed, in which semi-education was imposed as a power and a special social form.
Dozens of 'empty' diplomas, coming from dubious educational institutions and publicly inaugurating the underestimation of knowledge and criteria, only subsequently establish a historical account for a society. This is exactly what is happening in the Balkans! Lagging behind the knowledge of the developed world is a path to slavery and dependence on developed countries and their products. It is a newly emerging 'Balkan world' into which we are persistently pushed by monsters of greater-state projects and autocrats!
The measure of Bosnian politics is the system of humanistic values, that is: freedom as an inseparable property of man, individual human rights and civil society, the rule of law in human and interstate relations, and the development of formal rationality and scientific worldview unmasking myths, dogmas and prejudices.
The tribal and irrational policies of oligarchic groups impose deviant and perverse forms of organization that provide them with hegemony, manipulation and inviolability in precarious existence for millions of people. In their shameless 'negotiation' on behalf of entire nations that did not elect them, the most devastating poneric catastrophe settles for human communities that have become the subject of 'humane relocations', demographic engineering and genocide.
Insensitivity to human suffering and pain stems from a renegade or 'bandit' mentality that considers the plunder of public goods and state funds to be a major business success. The pernicious mentality of rebellious 'heroism', sung in an epic set of populist pathos, does not even fit into the shallows of dominant folk culture, its famous characters and cult places through which autocratic and totalitarian rule is confirmed and perpetuated over masses of impersonal human existences. Criminal endeavors, in which entire nations try to instrumentalize themselves for the criminal
purposes of tycoon groups, are carried out by modeling mass psychosis and creating the notion that indeed 'whole nations' can enter into relationships.
This type of hoax provides a way for criminal groups of nationalists and their clients to plunder 'entire nations' and the states they dispose of as their private property in a system of corruption.
A morbid story according to which, allegedly, the politician represents 'the whole nation', can only serve as a political program in the backward parts of the Balkan world. Well sometimes a man, an individual, a citizen cannot represent himself and not some bigger hole. It is clear that even a political party cannot represent the interests of all its members or citizens who voted for a certain political program. The story of 'legitimate representation' often serves as a smokescreen to hide the disrespect for the rule of law, circumvention of the law and the primitive arbitrariness of political oligarchy. Dragan Čović states that the key task of the HDZ is to restore trust between the Bosniak and Croat people. Well that is a scam!!!
Bosniaks and Croats, as peoples and socio-historical groups, are not in any conflict! Behind the constructions about the conflict, there is the meanness of ethnopolitics, which treats people like vegetables on the market of political lies. The Hague tribunal therefore introduced the label 'united criminal enterprise' that frees entire nations from responsibility for crimes committed by individuals and organized groups of criminals on their behalf.
Bosniaks and Croats, as whole cultural and ethnic groups, or their religious parts, Muslims and Catholics, cannot be in a bad or good relationship, but policies that manipulate 'legitimate representation' can give the impression of bad relations. Ethnopolitics is playing a dirty game against the Bosnian identity, which exposes it as an exclusively nationalist totalitarian policy. Never do whole nations enter into relationships with each other. These are always fabricated ideas that rise to the level of the whole group and try to make themselves generally accepted by all members - and this can by no means be accepted by everyone. Unfortunately, these ideas can spread as a contagion in the social field and create a disease state.
When it is supported by intellectuals, priests, politicians, public figures and people from 'cultural institutions', then it is a matter of a realized mass psychosis that is socially established and not