
US Congress proposal for sanctions against those undermining Dayton Accords

It also mandates sanctions on foreign persons who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement or otherwise threaten the stability of the country.

(Patria) - Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO), Vice Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Congresswoman Susan Wild (D-PA) released a statement after they introduced the Upholding the Dayton Peace Agreement Through Sanctions Act. The aim of this legislation is to send a clear deterrent signal before Bosnia’s October elections.

The Sanctions Act states that it is the policy of the United States to support a unified, sovereign, and multiethnic BiH. It stipulates that the US supports progress towards Euro-Atlantic integration and it will use sanctions against those who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement and Bosnian democracy. The Act’s goal is to expose Russia’s role in fueling instability in Bosnia and imperilling the Office of the High Representative and EU peacekeeping presence in Bosnia.

It also mandates sanctions on foreign persons who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement or otherwise threaten the stability of the country.

The Sanctions Act requires regular reporting to establish strong Congressional oversight over the Administration’s use of sanctions to hold accountable internal and external actors undermining stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The destabilizing and anti-democratic behavior of some officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Russia’s destructive influence, threaten to undermine the legacy of U.S. leadership in brokering the Dayton Peace Agreement and supporting the country’s stability,” Wagner said.

She claims that by mandating sanctions to address the political crisis and corruption in BiH, the bill will make clear to internal and external bad actors that they will be held accountable for threatening peace and stability in the country.

“We have a strong Bosnian community in St. Louis, and, following conversations with local advocates, I know how vital it is we use our sanctions authority to prevent Bosnia from being seriously destabilized. Ahead of the October elections, this message could not be more critical,” Wagner coucluded.

Representative Wild noted that it is crucial that the United States support the efforts of the Bosnian people to protect their hard-won peace and build a unified, stronger, and more representative democracy.

“Among other critical provisions, this bill calls on Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, which require an end to the ethnic and religious requirements on holding high-ranking political office—requirements that have unacceptably disenfranchised far too many members of the population. This bill’s constructive approach can help bring about greater opportunity, inclusion, and stability throughout the region, now and for generations to come,” Wild noted.
