
Suicide with torture

Commentary by Edin Urjan Kukavica

By: Edin Urjan Kukavica

Three things are, obviously, almost impossible to explain to the political, people's/ethnonational and, say, intellectual folk – that our politics founded on 1) a historically unfounded and made up tale about the origin of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2) an illusion that the largest Bosniak political party holds, and then distributes power to the political representatives of Bosnian Serbs and Croats, and 3) further insisting on the EU integrations – leads to ever growing individual emigration and increasingly intense collective mental and political uncertainty as the point of no return.   

How could we possibly explain to all the political and intellectual dwarfs that referring Bosniaks solely to the Ottoman part of their/our history is an act of national suicide on the best way to losing the status of a statemaking and a constituent nation, and self-nullifying of one's right to his existential territory and land? The rules by which historical processes function have little to do with justice, not to mention the emotions.

Quite apart from the fact (that is so obvious that few notice it!) that such politics is ethnically, nation-wise, nationally suicidal, one-time only, near-sighted and blinded by interests, more obvious than itself is only one other fact that insisting on the Ottoman, Turkish, or any other origin other than Bosnian, goes well with, illuminates the path for, flies the flag of support for the Serb(ian) and Croat(ian) greater-state politics and their schizophrenic and quisling branch offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

If we identify ourselves with the Ottoman Turks who had undoubtedly come here as the liberators or the invaders, the history doesn't care which – as if we also had come here with them, then we should have left together with them! In other words, Bosnia and Herzegovina historically isn't our country but the territory we had come to – as the liberators or the invaders, the history doesn't care which – so we cannot have any right to it (and in it). Which is politically exceptionally stupid move – whoever came up with it – which entirely justifies another notorious fact that, as the biggest nation we are compressed within a barely one-fourth of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Contrary to Dodik's Serbs and Covic's Croats who have something in common but equally suicidal: a theory about the homeland and a back-up country (they saw here while they pray to God for rain in Serbia and Croatia) – besides Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosniaks have neither a homeland nor a back-up country.

What else should happen so that Bosniaks realize da Turkification, Arabization, Iranization, Islamization... have brought us to the edge of a biological, not to mention territorial and statemaking survival(s). Any departure of the Bosniaks from the context and borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as tying with anybody but reliance on own strength and capacity, is a suicidal tendency which we will hardly overcome as a nation and state.

One of the sly tricks of then scoundrels (Owen, Stoltenberg etc.) was consisted of making the respectable AI the representative of the Bosniaks exclusively, which stripped him of the authority to represent Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state, and to treat SDA as the bearer/owner of the power, which – out of mere inexperience or some other reason (vanity perhaps?!) all Bosniaks political representatives bought into.


How come the Bosniak political elite is the owner of power? Why the thesis about 'Serbs and Croats requesting' and 'Bosniaks giving to them' is kept running throughout the media? It has to do with demagogy, one of many, by which the Bosniaks are convinced that they govern something, manage or run, while it is actually a sly manipulation much alike the one (demagogy and manipulation) about SDA never at fault for anything even though it has its members in the Presidency BiH, or as the chairman of the Council of Ministers, the prime minister of the Federation BiH and a plethora of cantonal presidents of governments and assemblies, that its members only serve the actual bearers of power... and, I repeat, are never at fault for anything, only deserving.  

Why then constant insisting on this obviously inaccurate information? There are a few possible answers; because it gives (virtual) importance to SDA (which they enjoy very much) and their leader (who only needs to have a sense of power and authority, it doesn't matter if he will do anything and spoil everything), and in return the political representatives of Bosnian Serbs and Croats, their partners in the government enjoy multiple benefits of managing treasuries, budgets and all other financial flows in the country for several decades (DC) up to occupying, pardon me, gaining all of the key levers of power (MD) which he can easily slow down, prevent or halt should he come across any process he doesn't appreciate.

To sum up, the entire country is a hostage to one complex, one need and one fallacy.

And thirdly... after depriving North Macedonia and Albania of the right to begin or continue negotiations with the EU and a few remarks given in passing about the Balkans and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and redefining of the accession path, principles and steps significantly different from the ones taken so far, only the blind Europhiles still don’t understand why the French president has actually shut the EU borders for the next 10 or 20 years somewhere around Izacic (though I'm sure he's never even heard of the place). Any further insisting on the European path for BiH would indicate that BH political elites do not have any contingency plan, a plausible and reliable alternative, not one single idea as to what to do (and how) in case the EU accession fails, as it has failed already. In other words, unless some miracle takes place, and I couldn't possibly think of one, Bosnia and Herzegovina won't even come near any EU's...

Why then persistent mantra repeating about Euro Atlantic path and fulfilling conditions? Which path and which conditions? None of the politicians have any idea, they haven't even given it any serious thought, what’s more they have never thought about fulfilling any condition placed before them by the EU elite. Likewise they haven't thought about an alternative and they could hardly come up with one now.

That said, perhaps the situation is not so bad after all. It seems that the political, people's/ethnonational and, say, intellectual folk of the Balkans nations or at least of this part which is referred to as the Western Balkans or to narrow it down further – Bosnia and Herzegovina – do agree on one thing.  

Apart from random/incidental signs of sympathy with the poor, frozen, at-better-European-future-gazing people from the Far East, the vast majority of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina share the same xenophobic (at least), racist, primitive sentiment towards these people that nobody wants.  

As we currently enjoy criticizing Croatian stance towards migrants and that only because they are pushing them to us... if they were pushing them towards Hungary or Austria or Italy... it would be far from the eyes, far from the heart.

Regularly, unanimously, without majorization or minorization we reveal our backwardness, an illusion about own importance and greatness. Should anything unite us, it would be our hatred of migrants. In other words, lucky the migrants are here. Otherwise, we would have to go back to hating each other.





