
Grand mufti Kavazovic sent sympathy message for the Notre-Dame

SARAJEVO, (Patria) – With deep regret we followed the sad event of fire at the cathedral Notre-Dame in Paris

SARAJEVO, (Patria) – With deep regret we followed the sad event of fire in the cathedral Notre-Dame in Paris, and the tragedy that has befallen the Catholic Church and French nation has also hit all people in Europe and the world, says message of sympathy that the Grand Mufti of Islamic Community BiH sent to the president of French Bishop Conference, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort.

'Cultural treasure and symbolism of the cathedral Notre-Dame is our joint European and human legacy and that's why we consider its destruction as our joint loss. Your Eminence, on behalf of the Islamic Community of BiH and my own behalf, please receive once more the expressions of our deep sympathy and sincere respect, with a hope that Notre-Dame will shine again in its full grandeur in the nearest future', says Kavazovic in his telegram.
