
Croatian president in BiH: Lots of nice words, let's wait for a follow-up

Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic is in the middle of her two-day official visit to BiH. Following a reception and a meeting with BiH Presidency members, a media conference was held with the

By: Haris Ljevo

Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic is in the middle of her two-day official visit to BiH. Following a reception and a meeting with BiH Presidency members, a media conference was held with the president and the chairman of BiH Presidency Dragan Covic.

The Croatian president emphasized in her address that Croatia is a big friend to BiH, and that it literally 'hugs' BiH. She further pointed out that the construction of the Peljesac Bridge, which has been stumbling block in the relations of the two countries, is an internal developmental issue of Croatia, and that its construction is not directed against the interests of BiH.  

She also informed about her discussion with the Presidency members about the changes to the Election law, and that Croatia is not going to interfere and impose solutions, as that is the issue that has to be handled by the political representatives of BiH. She also added that some of her statements were incorrectly cited by BH media, probably referring to her statements about tens of thousands of potential terrorists in BiH who pose a threat for Croatia.

Not once did she mention the recent final judgement of the ICTY for the Croat 6 for joint criminal enterprise, as well as the public support that the Croatian parliament expressed for the war criminals rendered to Prlic et al.

Everybody is aware that Croatia almost daily meddles in internal affairs of BiH taking the side of not one people (Croat) as some like to say, but taking side of one political party (HDZ). Hence her statement about policy of not meddling can hardly be sincere.

Grabar Kitarovic also said that Croatia treats all Croats in BiH the same, regardless of which parts of the territory they may live, which is not true, given Croatia's attitude towards Croats in Western Herzegovina and those in Sarajevo and Tuzla.

After Sarajevo, Croatian president visited Central Bosnia, including Nova Bila. One of the leading regional theatre directors, Oliver Frljic, originally from Travnik, said that she should stop by Ahmici, the village only a few kilometers away from Nova Bila and bow down before Bosniak victims. Quite unexpectedly, outside the protocol, the president indeed went to Ahmici and bowed before the monument for 116 victims of the massacre.


